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The launch in Papua New Guinea of a partnership between Australia's
overseas aid program and a group of churches to bolster essential health and
education services was warmly welcomed by the Parliamentary Secretary for
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Bruce Billson, today.
'Through AusAID, Australia is providing $2.9 million in the first year
of a five-year program to help improve basic services for the people of
PNG,' Mr Billson said.
'Participating institutions are the Anglican, Baptist, Catholic,
Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist and United churches and the Salvation Army.
'The churches have a long history of supporting development in
PNG. With extensive networks in remote and isolated areas of the country,
it has often fallen to them to provide basic services.
'During its first year the partnership program will focus on three key
areas - institution strengthening, including re-establishing the nursing
training centre in the Western Highlands, establishment of more HIV/AIDS care
centres and governance activities, including teacher training.
'This collaboration is particularly valuable because it brings together
a big pool of expertise, experience and shared commitment.
'The partnerships can only help strengthen Australia's overall
contribution to development and greater social stability in PNG,' Mr
Billson said.
In addition to an estimated total of $435.6 million in official aid to PNG
this year (2004-2005), the Australian Government is implementing a five-year
$1.1 billion Enhanced Cooperation Program (ECP) under a joint agreement signed
with the PNG government on 30 June.
Media inquiries:
Shane Fairlie (Mr Billson's office) 0408 680 442
Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 or 0412 804 489