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Australia Contributes $6.5 Million for Global Climate Challenges

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Media Release


Australia will contribute $6.5 million to global environmental initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard water resources across the Asia-Pacific.

Australia is significantly scaling up its focus on the environment with the release today of the aid program's new strategy, Aid and the Environment: building resilience, sustaining growth.

Our new strategy highlights how we will invest resources in three high priority areas: climate change, water and environmental governance.

Australia will provide $5 million for a new climate change and water management initiative in the Mekong region.

It will begin with research on the likely impacts of climate change on water resources and food security in the Lower Mekong Basin.

Working with the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, we will provide
$1.5 million to help improve access to reliable, clean and affordable energy sources such as solar energy, across the Pacific.

Aid and the Environment: building resilience, sustaining growth emphasises the importance of addressing important environmental challenges that are seriously limiting efforts to reduce poverty and sustain growth in Asia and the Pacific.

Australia is already assisting our regional partners to mitigate the emissions driving climate change. We have committed $196.9 million in 2007 - 08 to major new initiatives, including $32.5 million for the Climate Change Partnerships Initiative and $164.4 million over five years for the Global Initiative on Forests and Climate.

We have also demonstrated our commitment to the environment through our $240 million contribution to the Global Environment Facility since 1991.

We will continue to share our environmental management experience and expertise with partner governments and regional and global organisations as we work together to address key environmental challenges that affect us all.

Media contacts:

Malcolm Cole (Minister's Office) 02 6277 7500

AusAID (Public Affairs) 0417 680 590

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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