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Support for Education Sector Development in Aceh (SEDIA): Independent progress review

Summary of publication

This is the April 2012 independent progress review of the Support for Education Sector Development in Aceh (SEDIA) program 2009-2013. The program aimed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of basic education in line with the policies and strategies articulated in the 2007 Aceh Provincial Education Strategic Plan.

The program assisted Indonesia to provide accessible, quality education opportunities for all Acehnese children. It supported Indonesia's development priorities by improving skills in education management and governance in this province. The program built on Australia's cooperation with the Government of Aceh following the 2004 tsunami.

The independent progress review took into account information gathered from document analysis, semi-structured group and individual interviews, field observations, case studies and stakeholder consultations in Jakarta, at the provincial levels and from the districts of Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Pidie Jaya and Sabang.

The review assesses program relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and monitoring and evaluation. Lessons learned are also outlined.

Full publication

Last Updated: 14 October 2013
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