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Nepal Health Sector Programme II (NHSP II): Mid-term review

Summary of publication

The NHSP-II is the second sector programme covering the period from 2010 to 2015 and aims to improve the health and nutritional status of the Nepali population, especially the poor and excluded. At the onset it was envisaged that the successful implementation of NHSP-II, assuming a middle scenario of government and EDP expenditure of around NRs 115 billion, would avert 45,000 deaths and save around 1.5 million DALYs at a cost of US$147 per DALY saved. This MTR's purpose is to assess progress of the NHSP-II against its objectives and revised M&E framework, provide recommendations for accelerating progress, and provide insights for the design of the next five-year programme.

Full publication

Nepal Health Sector Programme II (NHSP II) Mid-term review [PDF 3.32 MB]

Last Updated: 16 February 2015
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