Summary of publication
The report contains findings of the Mid-Term Review and Evaluation of the project and provides recommendations on further strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Change Adaptation integration at sub-national and local processes.
The Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) Integration Project is a flagship initiative of the government of the Philippines that looks into development of tools and methodologies to systematically integrate DRR and CCA considerations into provincial and local planning and decision-making processes. The Mid-Term Review and Evaluation affirms that the project objectives are responding to needs and are on-track to being achieved despite delays and staffing challenges. Institutional and management arrangements have led to completion of outputs and achievement of outcomes. The project brings to fore the need for strategic alignments so that future demand in DRR-CCA, specifically in the knowledge base related to mainstreaming can be met. Empowerment of government subnational units is taking place but needs a shepherding environment from national agencies and mechanisms. If DRR-CCA is to be a whole of Philippine government activity, then this will require a systemic change, a holistic outlook to resource allocation and risk-enhanced investments, and where other sectors move together in synch.