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CSIRO-Africa Food Security Partnerships (2011-13): Mid-term review

Summary of publication

The purpose of this review is to report on progress towards program implementation, make detailed recommendations to improve the overall quality of the CSIRO African Partnerships and develop options to guide the design of future support.

The three reports comprise of:

  • a strategic review of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Partnership programs with two African regional organisations, the Western and Central African Council for Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) and Biosciences East and Central Africa (BecA)
  • the mid-term review of the CORAF/WECARD Partnership conducted in June/July 2012
  • the mid-term review of the BecA Partnership conducted in September 2012.

The two partnerships form the major component of Australia's food security program in Africa.

Full publication

Last Updated: 3 December 2013
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