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Zimbabwe FAO Agricultural Inputs Provision Programme 2012-14: Project Completion Review

Summary of publication

The Project Completion Review was commissioned by DFID, AUSAID and EU and undertaken by independent consultants from July- September 2014. DFID as the lead donor. The objective of the objective of the Project Completion Review was to measure progress against log frame outputs and to generate lessons for DFID, DFAT and the EU.

DFAT, acting through the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelands' Department for International Development (DFID), contributed AUD 4 000 000 for the extension of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) project titled, "Improved food and nutrition security of vulnerable households in Zimbabwe through market-based input assistance" for the 2013/14 season. The purpose of the programme was to improve food and nutrition security of vulnerable households in Zimbabwe through Market-Based Input Assistance. The programme sought to contribute to the reduction of poverty and chronic malnutrition, increase agricultural production and productivity and improve commercialization of small-holder agriculture in Zimbabwe. The project was part of a portfolio of activities implemented by FAO, government and NGOs in the sector designed to promote the transition from short-term humanitarian input distribution approach to longer-term developmental approaches of building sustainable food, nutrition and income security, including integration with and stimulating the market system.

Full publication

Last Updated: 2 April 2015
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