Summary of publication
This joint review by the Australian Aid programme and UNICEF was undertaken between September and November 2014. The review was aimed at assessing progress made in achieving the objectives of the Emergency Rehabilitation and Risk Reduction Program (ER&RR) and provide recommendations on areas for improvement in the other urban WASH programmes being undertaken by UNICEF as well as for other Australian Aid funded programs. The program implemented through UNICEF received AUD29 million from the Australian government for rehabilitation of critical water and sanitation infrastructure in 12 small and medium sized towns which were at risk to water borne diseases including cholera.
Overall the last phase of the ER&RR programme can be stated as having indeed met its objectives achieving results beyond emergency interventions but with some caveats in relation to other complementary achievements, which were also expected but not fully accomplished. These include cross cutting issues such as gender, environment, protection, social inclusion, DRM and M&E.
Full publication
- Review of the final phase of WASH ER&RR [PDF 349 KB]
- Review of the final phase of WASH ER&RR [Word 4.6 MB]