Program background brief
Indonesia is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world due to its hazard profile and high population exposure. Disaster risk management, including preparedness and response, is critically important priorities for the Indonesian Government and the people of Indonesia. Australia partners with Indonesia to help strengthen Indonesia's ability to respond to a large-scale humanitarian crisis and help reduce Indonesia's disaster risk. We work with Indonesia on science innovation and policy collaboration and support Indonesia in times of humanitarian crisis.
Program description
Australia Indonesia Partnership in Disaster Risk Management (2015-2018)
To assist the Government of Indonesia (GoI) manage disaster risk, this program supports Indonesia to be better able to respond to a large scale humanitarian crisis. It continues the strong partnership between Government of Australia (GoA) and GoI in disaster risk management (DRM). This program seeks to strengthen national and sub-national capacity in DRM and support GoI to be better able to make informed DRM decisions.
The program focuses on disaster preparedness, including having the right policies, awareness and training, and on improving hazard and exposure mapping and decision support tools. We do this by working with Indonesia on science innovation and policy collaboration in DRM as well as providing humanitarian assistance following a disaster through three key projects:
- Australian readiness, managed by the Embassy directly, aims to deliver appropriate and effective Australian humanitarian assistance to Indonesia. The Embassy maintains several response options to rapidly assist Indonesia following a humanitarian emergency.
- DMCreate (Disaster Management Capacity Development and Community Resilience) project, in partnership with GoI, NGOs, faith based organisations and UN, seeks to support GoI and community preparedness through DRM technical and institutional support and promoting an innovative approach to preparedness and partnerships.
- DMInnovation (Disaster Management Innovation) project, in partnership with Geoscience Australia, NGOs, universities and private sector, supports GoI to be better able to make informed disaster risk management decisions by improving hazard information (earthquake, tsunami, flood and volcano), exposure mapping (buildings and key infrastructure) and disaster impact analysis using innovative tools and technology (e.g. InaSAFE).
Key activities
Australian readiness
As one of Indonesia's closest neighbours we have a long history of providing support when it is most needed and we will continue to be ready to respond to humanitarian emergencies in Indonesia.
- We have recently supported Indonesia to respond to a volcano (December 2017), earthquake (December 2016), flooding (February 2016), haze (November 2015) and forest fires (October 2015).
DMCreate provides disaster risk management technical and institutional support at national and sub-national level, specifically in Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Central Kalimantan and West Nusa Tengarra (NTB).
Technical support is provided through:
- Local technical advisors to BNPB and BPBD's in South Sulawesi and NTT to support the disaster management system.
- WFP to BNPB and Ministry of Social Affairs to help develop a national humanitarian logistics and distribution management capacity.
- UN OCHA to Government of Indonesia to support improved international and national coordination and cooperation in disaster risk management.
- Community resilience projects provided through:
- Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre to strengthen capability in disaster preparedness and response in Muhammadiyah hospitals and surrounding communities in haze-prone Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan and volcano and flood-prone Bima, NTB.
- LPBI-NU to strengthen capability in disaster preparedness and response within the local government and community institutions in Jepara and Kudus, Central Java and Barru and Wajo, South Sulawesi
- Church World Service (CWS) to strengthen capability in disaster preparedness and response within the local government and community in Toraja Utara, South Sulawesi and Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT.
DMInnovation activities are targeted in areas where GOI is also investing to ensure collaboration and to maximise efficient and effective use of funding.
Key activities include:
- Disaster management innovation through Open Geospatial Data, in consultation with Humanitarian Open Street Map Team (HOT).
- InaSAFE enhancement and institutionalisation within BNPB, in consultation with Kartoza.
- Policy development and technical support to facilitate institutionalisation of geospatial technologies in disaster management.
- Supporting the graduate research and education in earthquakes and active tectonics (GREAT) program.
- Updating the earthquake hazard map and supporting Indonesia's capability to produce tsunami inundation maps and volcanic ash fall maps.
- Strengthening Indonesia's capability to store and learn from earthquake recordings and other data.