Summary of publication
This report presents progress against the second Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership (CCJAP) annual work plan and budget, which covers the period from July 2014 to June 2015. The report also presents adequacy of progress towards end-of-program outcomes, which includes results from activities and outputs under the first CCJAP annual work plan and budget for the period from July 2013 to June 2014.
The level of progress towards each expected outcome varies depending on the commitment and leadership capacity of the partner government counterpart agencies. There is limited progress in the introduction of more effective pre-trial arrangements and use of non-custodial sentencing after approval of three alternative sentencing circulars since January 2014. However, CCJAP has made adequate progress related to improved custody for prison detainees, and good progress on outcomes relating to safer communities. In addition, some progress was made towards communities, police and prisons using evidence to support policy and the management of justice. During the reporting period, Cambodia National Police (CNP) moved further than General Department of Prison (GDoP) and Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in this respect.
Full publication
Six-monthly Progress Report, April to September 2014 [PDF 3 MB]