Summary of publication
The Cambodian Communications Assistance Project (CCAP) is a sub-national governance project, working with four provincial departments of information (PDI) – Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampot and Siem Reap.
The program's purpose is to improve the capacity of local media services to play an active role in facilitating engagement and access to information that contributes to improved voice, transparency and accountability on issues that impact on people's daily lives.
Overall, CCAP has been very successful in meeting the three objectives and outcomes set for the project and contributing to Australian Aid's overall objectives. There have been a number of challenges it has had to overcome including the coinciding of the project with a turbulent time in Cambodia's political environment as well as capacity limitations of counterparts and varying degrees of hesitancy and suspicion on the part of some senior provincial officials.
Full publication
Independent evaluation final report, November 2014 [PDF 636 KB]