Summary of publication
This Concept Document proposes that DFAT enter into a partnership with the World Bank in Sri Lanka in regards to the Transforming School Education Project (TSEP).
The partnership will support the transformation of the general education system (Grades 1–13) through the TSEP to promote social cohesiveness, and to develop the skills needed to make the country economically and socially successful in the long term.
This document has been prepared on the basis of a joint DFAT–World Bank and Government of Sri Lanka mission in June 2011, and incorporates feedback from a Concept Peer Review (CPR) held on 3 August 2011.
Outcomes from the mission are to inform both this Concept Document and the World Bank's Program Appraisal Document (PAD).
Both the Concept Document and PAD are designed to support the Government of Sri Lanka's second Education Sector Development Plan (ESDFPII).