Research report: This report aims to identify what works in relation to the deployment of technical-assistance personnel, and to see what initiatives or reforms are being taken to improve practice.
European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)
This study was commissioned by AusAID, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It aims to contribute to the current discussions on aid effectiveness and capacity development. The study's objective is to identify what works in relation to the deployment of technical-assistance personnel, and to see what initiatives or reforms are being taken to improve practice.
The report, undertaken by the European Centre for Development Policy Management, draws on the findings of three country studies conducted in Mozambique, Solomon Islands and Vietnam, a workshop held in the Netherlands in May 2007, as well as a review of the wider literature, earlier summarised in the study's inception report. The overview report summarises the recommendations from the study.
- Synthesis Report [PDF 997KB] Tony Land
- Policy Management Brief [PDF 656KB]
Provision of Technical Assistance Personnel in Vietnam: Cooking pho, peeling potatoes and abandoning blueprints [PDF 996KB]
David Watson, Nguyen Minh Thong and Julia Zinke -
Provision of Technical Assistance Personnel in Mozambique: Between 'doing the work' and a'hands-off' approach [PDF 912KB]
Volker Hauck - Provision of Technical Assistance Personnel in the Solomon Islands: What can we learn from the RAMSI experience? [PDF 892KB] Heather Baser
More information on ECDPM technical assistance research can be found on the ECDPM website.
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This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.
Available: Electronic version only