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Developing Indicators of ASEAN Integration - A Preliminary Survey for a Roadmap


Research Report: Identifies indicators of important parameters in intra-ASEAN trade, investment and services, especially financial services.


Author: David J. Dennis and Zainal Aznam Yusof

The main purpose of this study is to identify indicators of important parameters in intra-
ASEAN trade, investment and services, especially financial services, which will measure
progress towards the goal of an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2020.

Chapter 1 examines the actual and potential barriers to ASEAN economic integration and looks at the progress of harmonization of ASEAN policies and institutions.

Various methodologies are discussed in Chapter 2 examining the types of indicators used in this study including process indicators which often have relevance in the context of trade facilitating initiatives where an enabling legal, regulatory and administrative structure is required before intra-ASEAN trade and investment can be optimised.

In chapter 3, concepts of economic integration are examined and the stages of international economic integration arrangements between countries are set out. The stages include preferential trade arrangements, free trade areas (FTAs), customs unions, common markets, economic unions and political unions.

Chapter 4, discusses indicators and indices that measure integration progress in several sectors, the most important being trade, investment and financial services.

In conclusion the authors suggests that a limited number of the more important indicators in trade and investment should be quantified and then widely used when assessing trends in ASEAN. Once core indicators have been identified and agreed by Member Countries, a suitable measurement and review regime can be established. Statistical agencies of Member Countries could be guided and coordinated by the Secretariat.

Developing Indicators of ASEAN Integration - A Preliminary Survey for a Roadmap [PDF 800KB]

Available: Electronic version only

This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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