Summary of publication
Design document for Tingim Laip - HIV prevention in settings of risk Phase II. Tingim Laip is Papua New Guinea's (PNG) largest community-based HIV prevention strategy operating in 36 sites across 11 provinces. It was designed to respond to the urgent need for a targeted behaviour change intervention focusing on most vulnerable populations in settings throughout the country where HIV transmission was known or likely to be high.
Tingim Laip is based upon acknowledgement that some people are more vulnerable than others to HIV infection and that there is an urgent need to address those contexts where vulnerability is greatest.
Key features of the strategy are:
- empowering vulnerable communities to develop, implement and monitor their own responses to HIV
- implementing the nation prevention strategy (currently in final draft stage)
- forming partnerships with government departments (Defence, Police, CS), the private sector (mining and petroleum, palm oil industry, fisheries, the sugar industry) and civil society (non-government organisations (NGO), community based organisations (CBO), and faith -based organisations in both rural and urban settings.