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UNESCO Institute of Statistics Memorandum of Understanding


This Memorandum of Understanding is between AusAID and UNESCO Institute of Statistics.


This Memorandum of Understanding is between AusAID and UNESCO Institute of Statistics.

It outlines AusAID's funds used to support the UIS core activities related to education statistics including to:

  • Collect and maintain education statistics which reflect changing policy and are reliable, internationally comparable and robust, as well as feasible to collect. This will be done through building partnerships and cooperation, reviewing data sources and quality and improving access to data and metadata.
  • Produce and implement new statistical standards, classifications, methodologies, indicators and related documentation in the field of education. The UIS has a duty to provide guidance to Member States on how to monitor the areas of UNESCO's mandate, through international standards based on best practice.
  • Develop the statistical and analytical capacity of Member States. The UIS will assist countries to improve their capacities for education data collection, processing, quality control, analysis and dissemination through training and other forms of support.
  • Provide analytical service within the context of the Institute's mission. The UIS will work in partnership with a wide range of other researchers and data users in order to analyse and interpret cross-national education data.
  • Monitor Education for All (EFA). The UIS is the lead agency responsible for the collection of data and indicators to monitor EFA goals and the education-related targets of the Millennium Development Goals. They work in close collaboration with the EFA Global Monitoring Report team.

UNESCO Institute of Statistics Memorandum of Understanding (PDF 207kb)

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Last Updated: 24 September 2012
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