Australian Partnerships with African Communities (APAC) is a A$60 million program which provided funding for Australian NGOs (ANGOs) to support development in southern and eastern Africa.
Australian Partnerships with African Communities (APAC) is a A$60 million program which provided funding for Australian NGOs (ANGOs) to support development in southern and eastern Africa. The program began in 2004 and is due for completion in June 2010. In July 2009, AusAID commissioned a Review to assess the APAC program. The Review Team included two independent consultants (Team Leader and Monitoring and Evaluation consultant), a representative from the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), and a representative of AusAID's Development Partnerships Branch.
The Team's findings are based on a review of documentation including the ANGOs' final evaluations, discussions with AusAID and ANGOs, and consultations with implementing partners and beneficiaries across six of the seven APAC countries from 5th - 29th August 2009.
with African Communities [PDF 405kb]">Review of Australian Partnerships
with African Communities [PDF 405kb]
with African Communities [WORD 468kb]">Review of Australian Partnerships
with African Communities [WORD 468kb]