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Vois Blong Yumi Program Design


Design for a 7-10 year partnership between the Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to reinvigorate Radio Vanuatu with better programs.


The approach in the Design Document is progressive engagement - starting small, building trust and relationships, and gradually expanding support where warranted. The program's four objectives are to: improve management and operations of the Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation; extend reach of Radio Vanuatu and improve quality of reception; deliver program content that services people's needs; and support development of a free and fair media via support to other stakeholders. The Design provides the context, rationale and analysis for Australia's assistance, and provides the program strategy and delivery options.

Vois Blong Yumi Program Design (18 December 2006) [PDF 527 kb]

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Australia's aid program in Vanuatu

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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