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Vanuatu Church Partnership Program: final project design document

Summary of publication

This is the design for the first three years of a planned longer-term partnership between Australia, the Government of Vanuatu, the churches in Vanuatu and Australian church development non-government organisations.

The objective of the program is that the Vanuatu Christian Council and churches in Vanuatu (individually and collectively) play an increasingly effective role in improving national and local governance and service delivery. The program's four areas of assistance are: improving effectiveness of the Vanuatu Christian Council (including by providing staff, training, office equipment and finances); strengthening individual churches (including partnering each of the participating Vanuatu churches with an Australian church non-government organisation); expanding the development work of each church, for example in health and education (the Australian organisations will help the Vanuatu churches develop their strategies and work plans for program funding); and fostering collaboration among churches in common development activities (which the Vanuatu Council of Churches will facilitate).

Full publication

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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