The Australian aid program in PNG is currently implemented under the PNG–Australia Partnership for Development, which commits Australia and PNG to work together to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Australian aid program in PNG is currently implemented under the PNG–Australia Partnership for Development, signed in 2008 by the Prime Ministers of PNG and Australia. It commits Australia and PNG to work together to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
A review of the Development Cooperation Treaty (1999) released in May 2010 found Australian assistance to PNG was fragmented, spread too thinly, and over-reliant on technical advisers. To improve results, it recommended refocusing Australian assistance, reducing the use of advisers, and increasing support for direct service delivery.
In implementing these recommendations, and noting the priorities of PNG's Medium Term Development Plan, the aid program will focus on improved service delivery in education (basic, secondary, technical and higher) and health (including HIV and AIDS). These two sectors will absorb the majority of additional funds we might receive through an overall scaling up of the aid program. Selective engagement in the law and justice sector and maintaining support for transport infrastructure will continue, as they underpin improved service delivery and economic growth.
Annual Program Performance Report 2010: Papua New Guinea [PDF 738kb]
Annual Program Performance Report 2010: Papua New Guinea [Word 953kb]