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Successor Mechanism to the Humanitarian Partnership Agreement (HPA)

Draft Investment Design: for comment

The investment design builds on DFAT's history of partnering with experienced ANGOs to deliver humanitarian assistance. It will replace the current DFAT-NGO Humanitarian Partnership Agreement (HPA) which is due to expire in 2016.

Following an independent review of the HPA in July 2015, Strategic Development Associates (SDA) was contracted to design a successor mechanism. The design process commenced in late 2015 and has been informed by extensive consultations and culminated in an investment design. The investment design will inform a competitive grants process scheduled for release in late April/ early May 2016.

The investment design provides additional resources to build capacity across the Pacific to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. A differentiated approach has been taken to ensure fit for purpose responses to rapid onset and protracted crises. Response efforts will include early recovery assistance to support the smooth transition from humanitarian relief to longer-term recovery and development.

To support a shift towards localisation, there will be a focus on building the disaster management capacity and coordination of local Pacific-based NGOs; and strengthening the risk resilience of Pacific communities. Innovation and engagement with the private sector feature in the new design.

DFAT would like to invite public feedback on the investment design prior to finalisation. A maximum of three pages should be submitted to by 17:00 Wednesday 6 April 2016.

Organisations will receive confirmation of feedback receipt. Feedback will be duly considered by DFAT and the design team and may inform further refinements to the design. The final design investment will be released as part of the competitive grants package in late April/early May 2016.

Last Updated: 22 March 2016
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