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Recovering Shangri La: The partnership in community forestry between Nepal and Australia 1966-2006


Describes the history of an innovative project that successfully reversed years of environmental degradation in Nepal's Middle Hills.


publication cover

In the mid-1960s the people of Nepal's Middle Hills faced hunger, cold, the loss of livelihoods and the collapse of their community lifestyles and traditions.

Over decades, the hillsides had been stripped of the fuel and the feed on which the upland villages depended. In one of the world's most beautiful yet fragile environments, soil loss, floods and landslides were proliferating.

This publication describes the history of this innovative project that successfully reversed years of environmental degradation in Nepal's Middle Hills. The project, the longest in Australia's aid program history, demonstrated a new model for development and produced tangible benefits and lasting change to the lives of people in Nepal.

Recovering Shangri La [PDF 881KB]

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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