Summary of publication
This document sets out the project design for UNICEF's proposed Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project in rural and peri-urban schools in Mongolia from 2012 to 2016. It forms part of the funding proposal UNICEF put to the Australian Government.
Project objectives are:
- Suitable sustainable WASH facilities and appropriate hygiene behaviours by staff and children in all project schools /kindergartens.
- Effective GoM mechanisms for WASH in schools and kindergartens are established.
The document covers analysis and strategic context, program description and implementation arrangements.
Full publication
- A. Overview of Schools and Kindergartens in Mongolia and Khuvsgul aimag [PDF 454 KB]
- B. Log Frame and Key Project Activities [PDF 365 KB]
- C. Budget and Implementation Schedule [PDF 32 KB]
- D. Supply Work Flow Processes [PDF 55 KB]
- E. Ten General Guidelines for Child Friendly School Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities [PDF 104 KB]
- F. Letter of Support/Endorsement from MECS [PDF 236 KB]