Summary of publication
The strategic review found that the program is performing well against its objectives and, although only mid-way through, outcomes are promising. The program has made good progress in:
- building up the technical and vocational training system;
- decentralising service delivery; improving training quality and access;
- providing relevant training that has opened up business and income opportunities; and
- effectively combining government, private sector and community resources for training to maximise their value.
The review notes that the managing contractor and the department are managing the program well. Sustainability is not yet assured, however, because it is difficult to find and support the right staff for the centres locally, and because provincial political factors are an on-going risk. The review recommends that the Vanuatu program staff share their experiences and ideas with Solomon Islands and Tonga, for their own benefit and for the benefit of their peers in the technical and vocational training sector in these countries.