Details a design for phase 1 of the Tonga TVET Support Program (TSP), which aims to develop a national Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system. (2010, 78pp)
This document details a design for the first phase of the four-year (2009–12) Tonga TVET Support Program (TSP), which aims to develop a national Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system to make Tongans more competitive in domestic, regional and international labour markets through improved demand-based TVET and internationally recognised qualifications.
Key aims are to change the system from being 'supply-driven' to 'market-driven' and make it more responsive to the needs of the workforce; to introduce industry skill standards benchmarked to NZ/Australian and SPBEA framework; and to train and mentor TVET providers to train to these new standards.
TSP 1 is estimated to cost A$7.4 million, to be jointly and equally funded by AusAID and NZAID.
The document covers in detail the strategic context, the program description, and implementation arrangements including management, Government of Tonga roles and responsibilities, procurement, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, sustainability, inclusiveness and environmental considerations.
TVET Support Program (TSP 1)–Final Design Document [Word 261kb]