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Small Arms in the Pacific


Research Report: This 20-nation study describes the scale and origins of small arm proliferation in the Pacific.


Author: Philip Alpers and Conor Twyford, The Small Arms Survey

This year-long, 20-nation study reveals surprising new information about the
scale and origins of small arm proliferation in the Pacific. It provides the
first comparison of the number of firearms in each Pacific country, both legal
and illegal, state-owned and civilian. Imports and exports of small arms are
tracked from one nation to another, documenting both sellers and buyers.
Firearms used in crime, conflict and coups are traced to their source,
revealing a single prominent pattern of origin.

The study includes an exhaustive comparison of each country's gun laws
and their loopholes, plus up-to-date analyses of gun-running in the Pacific,
discussion of regional initiatives and evaluation of current disarmament
processes. Detailed case histories document the impact of small arm-related
violence on the region's worst-affected communities.

The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project at the Graduate
Institute of International Studies, Geneva.

Small Arms in the Pacific [PDF 855KB]

Available: Electronic version only

This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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