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AIDS in Asia and the Pacific: Status and trends - Strategies for prevention and control


Research Report: Provides a summary of the current state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Asia and the Pacific within a global context.


Author: World Health Organisation, Regional Offices for South East Asia and the Western Pacific Region

This paper is one in a series of four background papers used to inform
discussions at the HIV/AIDS and Development in the Asia Pacific Ministerial
Conference held in October 2001.The first part of this paper provides a summary
of the current state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Asia and the Pacific within a
global context. It explains the prevalence within and between communities, risk
groups and countries and discusses the spread of the virus through the region.
The paper also assesses the effectiveness of prevention campaigns and shows
that a sound epidemiological based prevention strategy, combined with national
political commitment and leadership to implement the strategy, can reverse
epidemic spread of HIV when it occurs.

The paper discusses the common thread that runs through all extensive or
epidemic transmission of HIV in Asia; that the primary HIV risk groups are
socially marginalized and engage in socially unaccepted and/or illegal
behavior. The authors argue that urgent and universal support for primary
prevention and behavior change programs must be developed on a large scale in
most countries in Asia Pacific.

AIDS in Asia and the Pacific: Status and trends - Strategies for prevention and control [PDF 248KB]

Available: Electronic version only

This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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