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Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (ARHP) - Independent Completion Report


The Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (ARHP) commenced in July 2002 for four years, was extended to November 2007, and was implemented in Burma, Viet Nam and China (Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces).


The Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (ARHP) commenced in July 2002 for four years, was extended to November 2007, and was implemented in Burma, Viet Nam and China (Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces). At project commencement there was little understanding of HR and some hostility towards the concept of NSP in each of the three countries. The project sought to build capacity to enable each country to take an effective, evidence based approach to preventing HIV transmission among and from IDUs. Strategies included advocacy and capacity building within the law enforcement, health, and social welfare sectors to develop an enabling environment leading to new HR policy and legislation that, in turn, would support the establishment of sustainable HR services for IDUs. The project goal, purpose and objectives gave effect to these aims, were relevant to the beneficiary countries' needs and aligned with AusAID's Asia Regional and HIV/AIDS strategies.

The four-year design was thought to be sufficient to progress through a program of national and local level capacity building, a shift to an enabling policy and legislative environment, and implementation of one HR service in each project site. The extension enabled consolidation of effective HR approaches, generation and dissemination of evidence and the potential for a smooth transition to HAARP.

This ICR was prepared following a review of relevant project documentation, consultation with the AMC in Australia and with other key stakeholders and counterparts in Viet Nam and China, and field visits to China and Vietnam. The ICR Team did not visit Burma on the advice of AusAID because of internal instability.

[PDF 144kb]">Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (ARHP)–Independent Completion Report

[PDF 144kb]

[Word 275kb]">Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project (ARHP)–Independent Completion Report

[Word 275kb]

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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