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386 Lord Caldecote, U.K. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, to Sir Geoffrey Whiskard, U.K. High Commissioner in Australia

Cablegram 178 LONDON, 15 June 1940, 12.27 p.m.


Commonwealth Government's telegrams Nos. 256 of 3rd June [1], and
281 of 12th June. [2] Please convey the following to the Prime
Minister [3] for his most secret information.

Position now is that declaration of war by Italy has made the Red
Sea unsafe for personnel convoys and restricts the movement of
store ships. Desirable therefore that only essential
reinforcements should be sent to the Middle East and overland
routes via Basra and via Mombasa will be the only ones available.

These routes are now being organized for the purpose and for use
to the maximum extent possible as maintenance routes.

It follows that until the Red Sea can be used there is no prospect
of concentrating the A.I.F. either in the Middle East or in the
United Kingdom.

We contemplate bringing up reserves to 150 days as soon as
possible by these overland routes, and it is suggested as regards
the routeing of any supplies which it may be intended to despatch
from Australia for the A.I.F. in the Middle East the Commonwealth
authorities should communicate direct with the G.O.C. in Chief
Middle East. [4]

Supplies from our own resources will be made available for the
maintenance of troops of the A.I.F. in the United Kingdom. As soon
as the situation with Italy permits we should like to concentrate
the A.I.F. in the Middle East without delay but this must clearly
depend on strategical factors obtaining at that time.

Equipment policy at present can be stated generally as follows-
At least training scale of equipment will be available for all
troops in the United Kingdom and as full a scale as possible for
those proceeding to France but it is feared that only a very
limited quantity of equipment will be available for other theatres
for some time.

Further telegram regarding general strategical situation, possible
supply of war material from Australia and your assistance in the
maintenance of overland routes to the Middle East will follow

Copy of this telegram is being given to Mr. Bruce. [5]

1 Document 330.

2 Document 361.

3 R. G. Menzies.

4 General Sir Archibald Wavell.

5 High Commissioner in London.

[FA: A3195, 1.4328]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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