Historical documents
Teleprinter message [D296] [MELBOURNE], 19 September 1940, [6.20
p.m.] [1]
Received 19 September 1940
The following copy of a message timed 0516 G.M.T. 19th September,
addressed to the Naval Board by H.M.A.S. ADELAIDE is forwarded for
'Sautot disembarked 0030 G.M.T. today South Coast. No (repeat no)
disorder or bloodshed. Situation ashore not (repeat not) yet
stabilized. Civil population and Army completely De-Gaullist but
DUMONT D'URVILLE although at present quiescent is commanded by
rabid Vichy adherent [2] who is reported liable to take offensive
action. Am awaiting confirmation Sautot's formal assumption of
power [3] timed for 0430 G.M.T. today.' (Ends.)
[AA:A3195, 1940, 1.8076]