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37 Minute from Woolcott to Renouf

Canberra, 24 September 1974


Portuguese Timor

Last night Mr Feakes and I cleared a cable from the Prime Minister and Acting Minister to the Minister in New York and Furlonger in Jakarta, seeking to ensure that his position on Portuguese Timor was clearly understood. You should see this cable in today's distribution.

  1. It is worth recording-for limited distribution only-that the Prime Minister put his views on this subject frankly in the following way: 'I am in favour of incorporation but obeisance has to be made to self determination. I want it incorporated but I do not want this done in a way which will create argument in Australia which would make people more critical of Indonesia'.1

[NAA: A11443, [1]]

  • 1 See a similar record from Feakes to Cooper. [On file NAA: A10005, TS202/1/1, Annex 1A.]
Last Updated: 5 June 2013
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