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On 25 March 2013, the ImmiCard was introduced to replace the paper Visa Evidence Card (VEC or a PLO56) which is issued to Protection visa holders or eligible Bridging visa holders. The ImmiCards (plastic, security card) is issued in two versions:

Missing media item.

The Evidence of Immigration Status (EIS) ImmiCard:o is issued to Irregular Maritime Arrivals (IMAs) released into the community on a subclass 050 Bridging Visa E (BVE) who would otherwise be in detention. A BVE is a temporary visa enabling non-citizens to remain lawful in the community; and

    o records a client's claimed identity at the time of visa grant (prior to being identity satisfied for the grant of a permanent visa).

Missing media item.

The Permanent Resident Evidence (PRE) ImmiCard:o is available for persons granted a Class XA (subclass 866) Protection visa; and

    o records a client's recorded identity for the purpose of permanent visa grant .

Use of ImmiCards for COICTD purposes

ImmiCards can be accepted for Certificate of Identity (COI) and Convention Travel Document (CTD) applications to assist in confirming a client's visa status in Australia by using the MR database. Clients who already hold a PLO56 will not be issued with an ImmiCard and can continue to use their PLO56 as visa evidence.

Verify Visa Status using an ImmiCard

The ImmiCard is not evidence of a valid visa and does not state which visa category the client holds. The MR database must be used to confirm the information provided on the ImmiCard (personal details and ImmiCard number) and application form to establish the client's visa status in Australia and whether a COI or CTD may be issued (see

). Note: Holders of the EIS ImmiCard may have subsequently been issued a Protection Visa and are awaiting the issue of a PRE ImmiCard. The MR database will confirm the visa status of the client.

Verify Identity using an ImmiCard

The ImmiCard should only be accepted to support a client's identity if the details match those recorded in the MR database or as a linking document if the client has changed their name/personal details with RBDM. The client is required to have their personal details changed with DIBP prior to a travel document being issued in a new name. See "Change of name".

EIS ImmiCard (Pink card)

Holders of EIS ImmiCards do not have travel rights associated with their visa. If the client obtains a travel-related document they are not able to return to Australia. Therefore requests for a travel document from holders of an EIS ImmiCard will be considered in consultation with DIBP and any applications should be referred to Passports Operations and Training Section

An EIS ImmiCard can be used as 'Category A' PID, as this is the best PID document available to a person granted a Bridging Visa E. No other supporting documents derived from the EIS ImmiCard should be used as a PID as the ImmiCard is based on a 'claimed identity'. Therefore there is no expectation that the client should provide any other PID.

PRE ImmiCard (Green card)

A valid PRE ImmiCard can be used as a 'Category A' PID as the client has met the criteria to become a permanent resident and has satisfied identity requirements for the purpose of obtaining their visa. A valid PRE ImmiCard can be used as photographic Identification for a COI/CTD application if no other official photographic identification is available. The ImmiCard should not be accepted in isolation, the client must also provide supporting 'Category B' identification.

ImmiCard Expiry date

ImmiCard's expire 12 months from date of issue and no further cards will be issued. It is expected that the client will obtain suitable identity documents within this 12 month period and therefore other PID documentation should be provided. An expired ImmiCard can continue to be used to verify visa information through the MR database but cannot be used as a PID.

Replacement ImmiCards

DIBP will only issue a replacement ImmiCard if the card is lost/stolen prior to the expiry date.

Change of personal details on an ImmiCard

An ImmiCard will not be re-issued to clients who change their personal details. It is a point-in-time document representative of the client's recorded details at the time of visa grant.

If there is a discrepancy between the client's travel document application and the personal details recorded on the ImmiCard or the MR database, clients should be asked to provide evidence to support the changed details (e.g. DIBP confirmation of change of name through their FOI process).

It should be noted that if a client's details are corrected between the issue of the EIS (pink card) and the PRE (green card) ImmiCard, the previously recorded card details will be printed on the back of the PRE ImmiCard.

Checking the ImmiCard

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