Summary of publication
The “Mid Term Review of the Strategy for Australia’s Aid Investments in Education 2015-2020” was commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to determine the extent to which the Strategy has influenced the development and implementation of education investments. Specifically, the review tested the assumption that effective, appropriate and policy-aligned programming results emerge from centrally-issued guidance.
The review was conducted between September 2018 and March 2019 by an independent team of two evaluators. It was guided by a review framework and used the following data collection methods:
- Interviews with DFAT managers and staff based in Canberra and Australia-based (AB) and locally-engaged staff (LES) at Post: Of the 56 stakeholders contacted, 32 were interviewed
- Portfolio review: The review team conducted desk portfolio reviews of 19 countries and regions in which Australian education aid investments were made
- Online survey of 161 in-country DFAT staff identified by DFAT: 78 staff responded (48 per cent)