DFAT Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-22
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Did you know - that DFAT's two-person Torres Strait Treaty Liaison Office on Thursday Island has been busy working with partner agencies and community leaders to implement Australia's border closure in 'the Straits' and promote pandemic awareness, throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- The Office of the Pacific launched an Indigenous Engagement Plan, to support deeper and more direct engagement between Indigenous Australians and Pacific Islander people, as well as to embed Indigenous perspectives in the strategic and diplomatic work of the Office of the Pacific.
- DFAT annually acknowledges the anniversary of the National Apology, National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
- DFAT is a supporter of the Racism. It Stops with Me Campaign.
Did you know - the work that the department has undertaken to teach the Acknowledgement of Country in Ngunnawal, has supported the revival of language throughout the Ngunnawal community?
- DFAT adopted an Indigenous Diplomacy Agenda to give Indigenous Australia a systematic place within our overseas engagement, and to more effectively advance the interests of Indigenous peoples, both in Australia and around the world.
- We have lifted the cultural capability of our workforce through the delivery of the understanding Indigenous Australia (UIA) and Ngunnawal Language Courses
- DFAT has supported six employees to participate in the Jawun program.
- DFAT hosted nine public diplomacy events in Canberra showcasing the excellence and diversity of Indigenous Australian culture, expertise and innovation.
- The DFAT Indigenous Speakers series was delivered across 16 posts with a focus on the lndo-Pacific.
Did you know - the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy 2020-2024 encourages three percent representation at each classification level in DFAT's portfolio workforce?
- 3.2 per cent of DFAT's workforce identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander including six of DFAT's SES officers.
- 2.9 per cent of DFAT's posted workforce identify as Indigenous.
- Nine Indigenous scholars were successful in the 2021 scholarship round, for the New Colombo Plan.
- DFAT is supporting one Indigenous officer to undertake the Sir Roland Wilson, Pat Turner Scholarship and has offered the opportunity again in 2021.
- In FY2019-20, DFAT had 179 new and 91 ongoing contracts and subcontracts with 75 Indigenous businesses valued at $19.43 million.
- In FY2020-2l, DFAT has awarded 137 contracts (66 new and 71ongoing) with a total value of $3.27 million
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. (Hill, 2011)