United Nations
Human Rights Council – 48th session
Interactive Dialogue: High Commissioner’s written update on Myanmar
23 September 2021
Australian Statement
We thank the High Commissioner for her update.
Australia welcomes this interactive dialogue to maintain the international community’s focus on the breadth and gravity of human rights violations and abuses that have been, and continue to be, perpetrated in Myanmar.
Australia urgently calls on the regime to end the violence, and to cease arresting human rights defenders, civil society, labour union members and journalists – people who protect and promote human rights. We call for the immediate release of those arbitrarily detained, including Australian Professor Sean Turnell, and for the return of Myanmar to the path of democracy.
Australia is deeply concerned about the impact of ongoing conflict on the humanitarian crises across Myanmar. We call on the regime to allow safe, unhindered access for UN agencies and humanitarian organisations to facilitate lifesaving assistance for those in need, including to address COVID-19, and to end the incomprehensible attacks on medical personnel and humanitarian workers.
Australia is deeply concerned too about the setback the coup poses to prospects for the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of the Rohingya and other displaced persons.
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