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The Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) - fact sheet 2022-23

What is the ANCP?

The ANCP is a unique global program and DFAT's key partnership with Australian Non-Government Organisations (NGOs). Established in 1974, the ANCP provides funding to accredited Australian NGOs to implement projects consistent with the goals of Australia’s development program. ANCP NGOs contribute their own funds – raised from the Australian community – to their ANCP projects. In any given year, ANCP NGOs deliver around 400 projects in around 50 countries. The range of sectors include education, health, food security and civil society strengthening. Cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, disability inclusion and environment are addressed. The program is managed by the NGO Program and Partnerships Section in DFAT.

ANCP in 2022-23

  • $143 million in grants available to NGOs + additional $43.8 million forecast in NGO contributions
  • 59 Accredited Australian NGOs working with over 2000 local partners
  • Over 4.8 million people expected to benefit
  • 402 projects in 50 countries. 77% of projects in the Indo-Pacific

World Map with red dots for indications of where ANCP project locations were 2021-22.
ANCP Project Locations in 2022-23


Health Security

ANCP NGOs supported communities and leaders to address health security risks and the impacts of COVID-19. Key results include over:

  • 1.7 million people targeted through one-way messaging on COVID-19 prevention and access to services (45% women and girls and 6% people with disabilities)
  • 289,000 million items of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) distributed
  • 178,000 people provided household access to handwashing facilities (50% women and girls and 3.6% people with disabilities)

Social Stability

ANCP NGOs minimised the social impacts of COVID-19 through activities that supported social cohesion, social protection, improved food security, education and resilience to threats such as climate change, with a focus on protecting the most vulnerable. Key results include over:

  • 425,000 people participated in sessions on prevention, reduction and response to violence, abuse and exploitation of children (55.6% women and girls, 2% people with disabilities)
  • 110,623 people participated in sessions on climate related hazards and disasters (56.7% women and girls, 2.8% people with disabilities)
  • 201,000 people had improved access to sufficient food (52% women and girls, 2.6% people with disabilities).

Economic Recovery

ANCP NGOs assisted economic recovery through training and support for improved livelihoods and rural development and improved access to financial services and social transfers. Key results include over:

  • 10,000 female entrepreneurs were provided with financial and/or business development services (4% women with disabilities)
  • 24,000 people accessed social transfers (such as cash and voucher assistance) (58.6% women and girls and 6.9% people with disabilities)
  • 115,000 people increased their incomes (58% women and girls, 4% people with disabilities).

Program information


Australian NGOs funded under the ANCP must pass a rigorous accreditation process that assesses their organisational structure, philosophies, policies and practices. Accreditation is renewed every five years, with spot checks and a rolling program of audits covering the intervening period.


The ANCP provides funding – in the form of annual grants – to accredited Australian NGOs. Smaller NGOs with base accreditation receive $250,000 per year and large NGOs with full accreditation receive several million dollars per year.

Principles of engagement

The ANCP principles of engagement aim to maintain the long-standing relationship, policy dialogue and shared learning between DFAT and NGOs. The ANCP Program Logic outlines these principles, as well as the ANCP’s goal, objective and program outcomes.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The ANCP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF) provides the evidence base to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ANCP in achieving results in poverty reduction.

More information

Visit the ANCP webpage or email with any queries. 

[1]ANCP results for 2022-23 will be available in late 2023


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