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Development assistance in Kiribati

Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Infographic 2011-2023

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Australia is a long-term partner and friend to the Government and people of Kiribati. In partnership with the Kiribati Ministry of Education (MoE), Australia has supported the delivery of a quality and inclusive education to all children across Kiribati.

Since 2011, the Australian Government funded Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) has supported MoE on its mission to improve education outcomes for the children across Kiribati, as articulated in successive Education Sector Strategic Plans (ESSP).

Australia has contributed over $97 million in support of the Kiribati education sector

63% of all enrolled primary school children are learning in upgraded schools across 13 islands

Upgrading Education Infrastructure

256 new classrooms have been constructed,105 existing classrooms upgraded.

198 new water tanks, 172 new toilets.

30,000+ high quality classrooms furniture delivered.

28 primary schools have been upgraded, which is 29% of all primary schools.

Construction of 2 double-storey learning centres at the Kiribati Teachers' College.

Construction of a new 2-level Examination and Assessment Unit (EAU) building at Bikenibeu.

Curriculum and Examinations

128 schools implementing the new curriculum.

Support MoE's development of new Year 1 – 9 curriculum, including its implementation, teacher guides, teacher training, review, and providing extensive learning resources.

Support to the Primary and Junior Secondary assessment and examination framework, including the national test Standardised Tests of Achievement in Kiribati, which is managed by the EAU.

Improved learning outcomes since 2015

  • Year 4 – up 36%
  • Year 6 – up 29%
  • Year 8 – up 50%

School Leadership

Over 500 Kiribati school (and aspiring) leaders have had access to professional development through the Leading Learning instructional Leadership (LLL) course, which includes practical improvements at the school level.

Kiribati Teachers College (KTC) and Teacher Training

KTC delivering improved services through:

  • new policies and procedures
  • new management structures
  • new buildings
  • working towards regional accreditation
  • Upgrading of accredited pre-service teacher training courses, conforming to the quality standards against the Pacific Qualifications Framework
  • Providing upgrade pathways for lecturers, teachers and school leaders for Advanced Diploma and Graduate Certificate qualifications

90% of teachers have participated in in-service teacher training, including

  • english
  • teaching literacy
  • teaching numeracy teaching science and maths
  • positive discipline
  • gender equality, inclusive teaching strategies
  • applying the language policy
  • outcomes-based assessment

Inclusive Education

  • Ministry of Education's Inclusive Education Policy updated, adopted and implemented
  • 9 Model Inclusion Schools established to mainstream students living with a disability
  • 25 Teacher Assistants trained through an inaugural Cert III program that was deliveredby KTC
  • Teaching and learning devices have assisted children with hearing or sight impairments at the Kiribati School and Centre for Children with Special Needs and Model Inclusion Schools
  • 30+ Sign Language Interpreters trained
  • 217 students with a disability have been mainstreamed into Primary and Secondary education
  • 669 teachers trained on GEDSI principles and practice across 8 islands

English Language Improvements

  • Kiribati English Language Program (KELP) trained over 1,000 teachers
  • Enhanced English courses at KTC
  • Support KTC trainee teachers with teaching and learning of English including English Bridging Course
  • Integration of Content Language in Learning (CLIL)
  • New teaching and learning resources
  • Piloting of Teacher English Language Proficiency Assessment(TELPA)

Ministry Policy

  • Supported the Policy, Planning and Research Unit, Associate Lecturers, teaching assistants and sign language interpreters, Island Education Coordinators, School Improvement Unit
  • Support for the new Education Act (202-15)including Teacher Registration, the National Curriculum Assessment Framework (NCAF), the Teachers Service Standards, the School Leadership Service Standards, the Language in Education Policy, the Inclusive Education Act and the National School Infrastructure Standards for Primary and Secondary schools.
  • Supported MoE's education data collection and management, via research projects and the Kiribati Education Management Information System(KEMIS) to support the Ministry in its evidence-based decision making.
  • Support to the Ministry's ICT Master Plan, including equipment and training
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