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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – GO7348 – Australia-Indonesia Institute Grant Program

Are applicant/s permitted to submit multiple applications for this grant opportunity?

Yes, an applicant/s can submit multiple applications for different project proposals. Each application should be limited to one project proposal.

Can grant activities run for more than one year?

This grant opportunity is for one-year grants. A grant extension may be sought and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Are Indonesian citizens and/or organisations permitted to apply?

Yes, citizens and organisations from Indonesia are eligible to apply. Refer to Section 4 – Eligibility criteria of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for further details about who is eligible to apply for the grant.

Can I apply for a grant for more than $50,000?

No. The maximum grant amount you can apply for is $50,000. Proposals for between $10,000 and $50,000 will be considered.

Can I apply for grant funding to cover the cost of my staff’s wages?

No, grant funding cannot be used for business-as-usual wages. Refer to Section 5 – What the grant money can be used for in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and ensure your proposal meets the eligible grant activities and eligible expenditure detailed within this section.

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