From February to August 2024, the Global Trade and Gender Arrangement (GTAGA) members conducted an internal review of the Arrangement and its implementation. The purpose of the review was to assess outcomes delivered from the Arrangement and to identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the Arrangement. The scope of the review included the text of the Arrangement, the workplan, stakeholder engagement, membership, and other emerging issues.
About the Review
The review was designed and carried out by the GTAGA Trade and Gender Working Group, as committed to in the Arrangement (Article 10). It involved members completing an in-depth survey covering a range of topics, the results of which were then summarised and discussed by members across key areas of interest. Key findings and recommendations are below.
Based on the survey and discussions, the members agreed that GTAGA is a valuable platform for having focused discussions and sharing best practice ideas on opportunities to improve women's access to trade and investment and to support women's participation in domestic, regional, and global markets. Members were also pleased with GTAGA's growing membership and the increased prominence that trade and gender issues are receiving internationally. Specifically, the review found the following:
- Trade Policy and International Fora: GTAGA members saw benefit in promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment across regional and international fora, such as the OECD, APEC, and the WTO. Members agreed to advocate together and to share information on trade and gender issues across the forums they participate in.
- Relationship with Multilateral Instruments: GTAGA Members reinforced the importance of the Arrangement being grounded in the WTO Buenos Aires Joint Declaration on Trade and Women's Economic Empowerment and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Members reaffirmed the importance of other declarations, such as the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which guide the global efforts on trade and gender equality.
- Trade Instrument: Members committed to promoting trade and gender equality, including through their bilateral and regional Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and to sharing best practice.
- Promotion of GTAGA: Members expressed their interest in improving the visibility of the group. This includes the development of a mission statement and brand and exploring further options to promote the work of GTAGA and raise awareness of trade and gender issues.
- Workplan of the Trade and Gender Working Group: Members committed to implementing the GTAGA workplan
- and welcomed participation of the private sector, MSMEs, and relevant organisations. Key areas of interest include programmes to promote full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in the economy, STEM, trade missions, financial inclusion, and strengthening disaggregated data and gender statistics and/or analysis.
- Stakeholder engagement: Engaging with a range of stakeholders is important to GTAGA members. Through cooperation activities and outreach, GTAGA members agreed to proactively seek perspectives of the private sector, entrepreneurs, NGOs, and academia.
- Membership: There was interest in increasing the membership of GTAGA to strengthen opportunities to learn about innovative policy approaches on trade and gender equality and expand the reach of GTAGA's activities. Increasing the membership of GTAGA should be balanced with maintaining a high ambition arrangement. Members welcome interest from other countries to join.
Recommendations from the GTAGA Review
Recommendation | Timeframe |
1. Increase advocacy activities and coordination between members on trade and gender equality messaging and activities across international trade fora; | Ongoing |
2. Update the GTAGA Work Plan to continue delivering cooperation activities that support the Arrangement's objectives; | Achieved |
3. Create a visual brand for GTAGA to increase awareness of the group's activities and promote GTAGA activities and outreach; | April 2025 |
4. Increase engagement with stakeholders, entrepreneurs, NGO's, civil society, and other organisations, including considering the creation of a Business Advisory Council; | Ongoing |
5. Update the GTAGA advocacy strategy. Welcome interest for potential new members, while maintaining a high ambition agreement. | April 2026 |
GTAGA members agreed that continued focus is needed internationally to promote the importance of gender equality and women's economic empowerment for sustainable and inclusive growth.
Building on the strong momentum of new members and increasing interest in Trade and Gender Equality, GTAGA will continue to promote best practice and work towards increasing women's participation in trade and investment.