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Meet our 2016 grantees

An undergraduate subject focussing on the Australia-Korean bilateral economic relationship

Project summary

Sector: Economic Diplomacy, Trade, Business
Country location: Australia, Republic of Korea
Grantee: The University of Sydney

Project Description

This project forms a key component of an undergraduate unit of study that has a focus on the Korean economy, its experiences, policies, and economic diplomacy. Students will learn about emerging opportunities with Australia's fourth largest trading partner, and the significance of the recently signed Korea Australia Free Trade Agreement.

Specifically, the project is a one week visit by two Professors from Yonsei University who will give lectures and intensive workshops on the Korean economy to Australian students enrolled in this unit of study. This will be reciprocated with a visit by two Professors from the University of Sydney to Yonsei University who will undertake similar workshops for Korean students on the Australian economy and its trade policies. The project seeks to produce a new cohort of young Australian and Korean graduates capable of engaging in, and promoting, the Australia-Korean bilateral economic relationship.

Key dates:

  • Guest lecture and seminar, Sydney, 04 July 2016
  • Guest lecture and seminar, Seoul, 18 April 2017

Social media: Twitter for the School of Economics at the University of Sydney, Facebook for Yonsei University College of Economics

Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $12,000.00

Total project value: $48,200.00

Last Updated: 15 August 2016
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