Meet our 2016 grantees
Project summary
Sector: Science, Technology and Innovation/ Economic Diplomacy, Trade, Business
Country location: Australia
Grantee: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Project Description
The Ocean, or Blue Economy recognises the wealth-generation potential the ocean provides to a broad range of industries and highlights the importance of ensuring economic and environmental sustainability. The Ocean Economy is important to both Australia's and Korea's current and future economies and internationally the ocean economy is expected to double in the next decade.
This proposal seeks to host a 2-day Ocean Economy Forum to build bilateral discussion and increase collaboration on the ocean economy between Korea and Australia. Held in the Australian parliament the Forum would adopt a TED-style format to deliver exciting presentations from ministerial, industry and innovation presenters, and hold focus discussion sessions to deliver an agreed list of areas of common interest, short-term collaboration plans and an agreed long-term plan for bilateral action.
Key dates:
- Meeting, Busan, 11 October 2016
- Meeting, Canberra, TBC
Social media: twitter feeds at Canberra based meetings
Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $31,112.00
Total project value: $138,573.00