Meet our 2016 grantees
Project summary
Sector: Science, Technology and Innovation
Country location: Australia, Republic of Korea
Grantee: University of New South Wales
Project Description
With the advanced industry and innovation revolutions in Australia and Korea, these two nations are geared towards the development of new technologies for engineering and consumer-based applications. This proposal intends to link the School of Materials Science, UNSW with the Materials Science and Engineering department at Seoul National University (SNU) to develop next-generation light-weight, high-strength alloys destined for the consumer marketplace.
Key dates:
SNU site visit, SNU, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 01 February 2017
TMS International Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA, 01 March 2017
UNSW site visit, UNSW, Sydney Australia, 03 July 2017
TMS International Conference and Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 26 February 2018
SNU site visit and Project Summary, SNU, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 02 July 2018
Social media: 1) 2) 3)
Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $68,178.00
Total project value: $68,178.00