Project Summary
- Sector: Arts and Culture
- Country location: Australia, Jordan
- Grantee: Ms Barbara Rowell
Project description
Ahmed Elkhalidi is a Jordanian/Australian artist whose paintings, photographs, designs and digital collages explore the crossover of life, perception and memories from ones' own birth country and one's second country, which is sometimes by choice and at other times by circumstance. Ahmed's work, with creative collaboration by Rua Hashlamoun, records their personal stories of what 'home' means. It can be a physical or a psychological place that changes, a place of belonging, or a place of displacement and confusion. The artists draw on memory remnants of childhood along with new images that are embedded from their lives in Australia. A visual storytelling, the exhibition will resonate with and facilitate connections for many who have similar experiences as migrants or refugees. This exhibition was first held in Amman in April 2018 at Jacaranda Images and a third Australian regional exhibition will be held before the main Adelaide event.
Key dates
- Exhibition, Regional location TBC, 16 to 23 January 2019
- Exhibition, Adelaide, art space TBC, 25 January to 12 February 2019
Social media
- #jacarandaimages #jordanart #artinjordan #artinamman; #adelaideart #adelaideartist #CAAR #jacarandaimages @dfat
- Council for Australian-Arab Relations grant offer: $10,000
- Total project value: $11,500