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New Colombo Plan

New Colombo Plan 2016 Scholars

Scholar Host Location Host Institution Home Institution Home Field Of Study Internship
Caitlin Alderson Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong Western Sydney University Bachelor of Policing Studies Ms Alderson plans to undertake an internship with the Hong Kong Po lice Force.
Sally Elizabeth Andrews (Fellow) Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada The University of Sydney Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies Ms Andrews plans to undertake internships with the Ministry for Law and Human Rights and Legal Aid Yogyakarta.
James Barklamb Myanmar University of Yangon Monash University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Law Mr Barklamb plans to undertake an internship with an NGO in Thailand.
Susanna Batchelder Malaysia University of Malaya Macquarie University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education Ms Batchelder plans to undertake an internship with a development research and consultancy company.
Isaac Bennett Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada The University of Queensland Bachelor of International Studies
Fiona Bergstrum Malaysia Taylor's University Queensland University of Technology Bachelor or Education (Early Childhood) Mr Bergstrom plans to undertake an internship at MAZ International School.
Alexander Best Japan Kyoto Sangyo University Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Sport, Recreation and Event Management (Honours), Dip. Languages (Japanese) Mr Best plans to undertake an internship with the Japan Football Association.
Ruby Bhave Republic of Korea Hanyang University University of Newcastle Bachelor of Civil Engineering / Bachelor of Environmental Engineering Ms Bhave plans to undertake an internship with Arup in the infrastructural design sector.
Grace Blake Thailand Chiang Mai University The Australian National University Bachelor of Visual Arts / Bachelor of Arts Ms Blake plans to undertake an internship with the Institute of Contemporary Art Singapore (ICA Singapore) and a mentorship with a senior staff member within Chiang Mai University's media, arts and design department.
Inez Botta-Stanwell China China University of Political Science and Law and Peking University Griffith University Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Government and International Relations Ms Botta-Stanwell plans to undertake a legal internship with Zhicheng Public interest Lawyers and Women's Watch-China.
William Bruffey Taiwan National Taiwan University University of New South Wales Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Mr Bruffey plans to undertake an internship in public diplomacy with the Australian Office, Taipei.
Samuel Bullen Singapore National University of Singapore The University of Queensland Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Economics Mr Bullen plans to undertake an internship under the Economics Service Research Assistance Program with the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Lisa Butson

Philippines De La Salle University University of Newcastle Bachelor of Development Studies Ms Butson plans to undertake an internship in the field of development studies.
Cindy Chau Singapore National University of Singapore The University of Sydney Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine Ms Chau will undertake a research project with leading academics at the National University of Singapore.
Gemma Clancy Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong University of South Australia Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Ms Clancy is pursuing a range of internship opportunities, including with multinational corporations.
Jodie Cochrane Singapore Nanyang Technological University University of Newcastle Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Mathematics Ms Cochrane plans to undertake an internship in the field of power engineering.
Samuel Coggins

Sri Lanka University of Peradeniya The University of Sydney Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Mr Coggins plans to undertake an internship as a plant breeding assistant at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in India.
Hugh Cooney Singapore Nanyang Technological University University of Wollongong Bachelor of Advanced Mathematics Mr Cooney plans to undertake an internship with ANZ.
Piero Craney Taiwan National Taiwan University University of New South Wales Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies Mr Craney plans to undertake a legal internship with a Taiwan-based international law firm.
Ryan Cunningham Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Languages Mr Cunningham plans to undertake an internship in the area of corporate sustainability reporting or trade development.
Thomas Da Jose Thailand Chulalongkorn University University of Technology, Sydney Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Diploma in Engineering Practice Mr Da Jose plans to undertake an internship in the fields of humanitarian engineering, community development and international relations.
Alice Dawkins

Myanmar University of Yangon The Australian National University Bachelor of Law / Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours) Ms Dawkins plans to undertake an internship with the ANU Myanmar Government Partnership for Development.
Laura De Rango Singapore National University of Singapore Monash University Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) Ms De Rango plans to undertake an internship in the field of engineering.
Imogen Dean Hong Kong University of Hong Kong University of Newcastle Bachelor of Speech Pathology Ms Dean has arranged an internship with the Orient Speech Therapy Group.
Chloe Dempsey China Renmin University The University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws, Dip. Modern Languages (Mandarin) Ms Dempsey has been offered an internship with the Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy.
Kate Donnelly Fiji The University of the South Pacific Queensland University of Technology Bachelor of Laws Ms Donnelly plans to undertake an internship with the Office of the Attorney-General, Kiribati.
Michael Dyer Fiji The University of the South Pacific University of South Australia Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) Mr Dyer plans to undertake a mentorship or internship focussing on ecological field work, consulting and research.
Xavier Ekkel Republic of Korea Seoul National University The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Commerce, Diploma in Informatics Mr Ekkel plans to undertake an internship in the fields of information technology and/or finance.
Thomas Engelhardt Malaysia Univrsity of Malaya University of South Australia Bachelor of International Relations / Bachelor of Journalism Mr Engelhart plans to undertake an internship with a Malaysian media outlet.
Emily Entwistle Republic of Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Queensland University of Technology Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Information Technology Ms Entwistle plans to undertake an internship in the IT industry in Korea and Singapore.
Monique Filet Taiwan National Taiwan University Griffith University Bachelor of Laws Ms Filet plans to undertake an internship with a water conservation group in Taiwan.
Justin Stewart Freeman (Fellow) Republic of Korea Yonsei University Murdoch University Bachelor of Science Physics and Nanotechnology Mr Freeman plans to undertake an internship at a university green technology research centre
Jessica Freund China Peking University Law School The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies, Dip. Languages Ms Freund intends to undertake legal internships in China and Cambodia.
Carmen Garratt Republic of Korea Korea University The University of Queensland Bachelor of International Studies Ms Garratt plans to undertake an internship with either a foreign affairs or social enterprise organisation.
Caitlin Gauci

Maldives Maldives National University The University of Sydney Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) Ms Gauci plans to undertake an internship with the Maldivian Youth Climate Network.
Yang-Ming Goh

China Beihang University University of Wollongong Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Dean's Scholar (Electrical) Ms Goh has secured an internship with Bluescope China.
Emily-Rose Guarnuccio China Tsinghua University The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Arts, Dip. Modern Languages (French) Ms Guarnuccio plans to undertake an internship with either Geoff Raby & Associates or the Australian Studies Centre of Peking University.
Charles Hamra

India Jamia Millia Islamia The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies Mr Hamra plans to undertake an internship with a policy research centre in India and a mentorship with a leading academic.
Joseph Harris China Shanghai Jiao Tong University University of New South Wales Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Mr Harris plans to undertake an internship focussing on autonomous systems and control.
Lachlan Haycock Indonesia Mataram Lingua Franca Institute and Universitas Gadjah Mada University of the Sunshine Coast Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Mr Haycock plans to undertake an internship with either the Akarpohon Writers' Community, the arts department of the local government, or at the Mataram Lingua Franca Institute.
Emma Jackson

Singapore National University of Singapore Macquarie University Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce Ms Jackson plans to undertake an internship in the field of environmental engineering in Indonesia.
Liam Jewell Philippines Ateneo de Manila University University of Newcastle Bachelor of Development Studies Mr Jewell plans to undertake an internship with the Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation.
Georgia Johnson Malaysia University of Malaya University of South Australia Bachelor of Marketing and Communications Ms Johnson plans to undertake an internship in the field of marketing and branding.
Sayle Johnston Indonesia Parahyangan Catholic University The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Languages (Indonesian) Mr Johnston plans to undertake an internship in conjunction with ACICIS with an NGO in the fields of international relations or development.
Lachlan Kenway Japan Waseda University The University of Queensland Bachelor of International Studies
Sara Khamkoed Thailand Mahidol University Southern Cross University Bachelor of Visual Arts / Bachelor of Education Ms Khamkoed plans to complete an artist residency in Chiang Mai, during which she would like to research, write and illustrate a children's book set in Thailand, to be published in English and Thai.
Ahmad Khochaiche Singapore Nanyang Technological University University of Wollongong Bachelor of Commerce, Diploma in Languages
Nathan Leong Republic of Korea Hanyang University University of New South Wales Bachelor of Electrical Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce Mr Leong plans to undertake an internship in the fields of electronics or business.
Megan Lock Japan Osaka University The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Dip. Languages (Japanese) Ms Lock plans to undertake an internship in the field of foreign language education.
Linda Ma Hong Kong University of Hong Kong The Australian National University Bachelor of Philosophy (Arts) Ms Ma plans to undertake an internship with UN Women or the Women's Foundation
Clarence Ma Japan University of Tokyo University of New South Wales Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of International Studies Mr Ma plans to undertake an internship with an international or Japanese law firm.
Casey Macfarlane Japan Hiroshima University Griffith University Bachelor of Environmental Engineering / Bachelor of Business Management Ms Macfarlane plans to undertake an internship in the field of waste management, specifically recycling management.
Caleb Mattiske Republic of Korea Konkuk University University of the Sunshine Coast Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business Mr Mattiske plans to undertake an internship in the field of international business and/or international relations.
Estelle McCabe Japan Saitama University Griffith University Bachelor of Asian Studies Ms McCabe plans to undertake a communications internship within the oil and gas sector.
Valerian McCaskill

Malaysia University of Malaya Monash University Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Commerce Mr McCaskill plans to undertake an internship in the field of power engineering or telecommunications through CIS Australia.
Henry McDonald Republic of Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Mr McDonald plans to undertake an internship with a structural engineering firm.
Alexander McLeish

Japan University of Tokyo Monash University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Mr McLeish will undertake an internship with Ashurst Tokyo and plans to undertake a second internship with Herbert Smiths Freehills Tokyo.
Rosemary Menzies Japan Kyoto University The University of Sydney Bachelor of Advanced Science Ms Menzies plans to undertake a laboratory based internship with either the Primate Research Institute or RIKEN.
Bronwyn Mercer Singapore Nanyang Technological University University of Technology, Sydney Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Ms Mercer is planning to undertake an internship focussing on cyber security with the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Nicholas Modrzewski Singapore LASALLE College of the Arts The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Fine Arts Mr Modrzewski plans to undertake an internship with a fine arts organisation in Singapore.
Joshua Montgomery

Bhutan Royal University of Bhutan - Mahidol University International College, Thailand University of Wollongong Bachelor of Medical and Health Science Mr Montgomery plans to undertake a Social Enterprise Entrepreneurship internship with 40K Globe.
Isla Munro Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Curtin University of Technology Bachelor of Fashion Design Ms Munro plans to undertake an internship in the area of fashion design.
Leonie Nahhas Singapore Nanyang Technological University Macquarie University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education Ms Nahhas plans to undertake a Psychology Undergraduate Internship Program with The Institute of Mental Health.
Kingsley Nguyen Japan Nagoya University The University of Western Australia Bachelor of Philosophy Engineering (Honours) Mr Nguyen plans to undertake an internship with either Mitsui & Co or Telstra Japan.
Matthew Nicholl Indonesia University of Indonesia University of New South Wales Bachelor of Advanced Science (Arts) Mr Nicholl plans to undertake an internship in the field of ecology.
Matthew Page Malaysia Taylor's University Queensland University of Technology Bachelor of Business Mr Page plans to undertake an internship in the field of export logistics and management.
Iain Payne

Nepal Kathmandu School of Law, Purbanchal University Monash University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Mr Payne plans to undertake an internship with the National Human Rights Commission, Nepal.
Laura Porter-Jacobs Indonesia University of Indonesia The University of Melbourne Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Languages Ms Porter-Jacobs plans to undertake an internship with The Nature Conservancy.
Cordelia Prowd Singapore National University of Singapore Monash University Bachelor of Education (Honours) / Bachelor of Arts Ms Prowd plans to undertake a six month internship with AWARE, a Singaporean based women's organisation.
James Ritchie Indonesia Parahyangan Catholic University University of Tasmania Bachelor of Business (Honours) Mr Ritchie plans to undertake an internship with Bank Syariah Mandiri.
Talia Rose Singapore National University of Singapore The University of Queensland Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science Ms Rose plans to undertake an internship in the field of biomedical engineering.
Diane Salim Japan University of Tokyo The Australian National University Bachelor of Philosophy (Science) Ms Salim plans to undertake an internship with a leading research physicist in Japan.
Anthony Sandeman Fiji Fiji National University Central Queensland University Bachelor of Sciences (Honours) Mr Sandeman plans to undertake an internship in sustainable agricultural development.
Harrison See China The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Arts Mr See plans to undertake an internship.
Joshua Sheppard Hong Kong University of Hong Kong Monash University Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Commerce Mr Sheppard plans to undertake internships at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and a law firm.
David Sidwell Republic of Korea Seoul National University University of South Australia Bachelor of Arts (Writing and Creative Communication) Mr Sidwell plans to undertake an internship in the video game industry.
Alek Sigley Republic of Korea Sogang University The Australian National University Bachelor of Philosophy Mr Sigley plans to undertake an internship with the Korean Herald newspaper.
Amarina Smith

Hong Kong University of Hong Kong Griffith University Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Government and International Relations Ms Smith plans to undertake a legal internship.
Hayley Smith Philippines University of Santo Tomas Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) (Honours) Ms Smith plans to undertake an internship with the World Health Organisation in the Philippines.
Jessica Teoh Singapore National University of Singapore University of Tasmania Bachelor of Medical Research Ms Teoh plans to undertake an internship in medical research at the National University Hospital.
Lucinda Thurmer Republic of Korea Chung-Ang University University of South Australia Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media Management) Ms Thurmer plans to undertake an internship in the field of communication management.
Jennifer Tridgell Hong Kong University of Hong Kong Macquarie University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Ms Tridgell would like to undertake an internship in international arbitration in Hong Kong as well as an internship at 'Lawyers Collective' in India.
Kodi Twiner Indonesia Institut Seni Indonesia Southern Cross University, Lismore Bachelor of Contemporary Music Ms Twiner plans to undertake an internship in the field of community arts.
Anna Vaughan

Taiwan National Taiwan University University of Tasmania Bachelor of Sciences, Diploma of Languages Ms Vaughan plans to undertake a research-based internship in the Physics department at Academia Sinica.
Carly Wadsworth

Cambodia University of Cambodia Monash University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Ms Wadsworth plans to undertake an internship with the Child Rights Foundation in Phnom Penh.
Zoe Walker China Fudan University The University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies) and Bachelor of Commerce Ms Walker plans to undertake internships with ANZ and Austrade.
Patrick Walsh

Fiji The University of the South Pacific The University of Queensland Bachelor of Science (Arts) Mr Walsh plans to undertake an internship with the United Nations Development Programme in Suva
Scott Walsh Vietnam RMIT International University Vietnam Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Business Management Mr Walsh plans to undertake an internship in the field of civil engineering in Ho Chi Minh City.
Guoxi Bill Wang Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong University of Technology, Sydney Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws Mr Wang plans to undertake an internship in international arbitration.
Evan Webb

Vietnam Thai Nguyen University of Technology Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Science Mr Webb plans to undertake an internship as a research assistant at Thai Nguyen University of Technology.
Justin Whittle

Thailand Kasetsart University Western Sydney University Bachelor of Natural Science Mr Whittle will undertake a mentorship and research on Entomophagy – edible bugs.
Kayla Rain Williams Japan Yamaguchi University University of Technology, Sydney Bachelor of Arts (Communication and International Studies) Ms Williams plans to undertake an internship with an organisation related to international development in the Pacific.
Alison Wrigley Hong Kong University of Hong Kong University of New England Bachelor of Criminology Ms Wrigley plans to undertake an internship through CRCC Asia that will combine intensive Mandarin tuition with work experience in the legal sector.
Ellie Wyatt China Shanghai Jiao Tong University Monash University Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Ms Whyatt plans to undertake two internships, with the Shanghai World Trade Organisation Affairs Consultation Center and the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
Austin Wyatt Republic of Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Swinburne University of Technology Bachelor of Arts (Security and Counter-Terrorism) (Honours) Mr Wyatt plans to undertake an internship in the fields of policy or autonomous robotics and surveillance technology.
Wendy Xin Xiao

Solomon Islands Solomon Islands National University The University of Sydney Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Ms Xiao plans to undertake an internship with a sustainable farming NGO
Chloe Yap Singapore National University of Singapore The University of Queensland Bachelor of Science Ms Yap will undertake an internship in computational genomics at the Genome Institute of Singapore, within the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
Catherine Yen Thailand Thammasat University The Australian National University Bachelor of Philosophy (Asia Pacific Studies) Ms Yen will undertake internships with a Thai newspaper, Prachatai, and as a research assistant in the Faculty of Political Science at Thammasat University.
Grace Yee Yan Yeung Japan Meio University Griffith University Bachelor of Medical Science/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery Ms Yeung plans to undertake an internship with UNICEF in Vientiane.
Wing Yee Jenny Yeung Singapore National University of Singapore University of New South Wales Bachelor of Social Research and Policy / Bachelor of Law Ms Yeung plans to undertake an internship with the International Organisation for Migration.

Last Updated: 3 December 2015
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