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2021 ACDGP grantees

World Music Café, Multicultural Futures

World Music Café is a social enterprise based in Perth, Western Australia, that celebrates creativity and connection through music, food, and stories. The World Music Café team presents quality performance events featuring a diversity of talented multicultural Australian artists, plus a fusion of global cuisine, while also providing skills development, local work experience, and social connection for new Australian migrants.

World Music Café will produce four digital media programs showcasing Australia’s inspiring creative and cultural diversity. The online 30-minute magazine-style programs will feature live musical performances, artist interviews, cooking segments, and cultural stories from the team, artists and audience members, drawing on region-specific migrant diasporas, plus complimentary digital postcards created by international media partners and Australia’s overseas network.

Website: World Music Café

World Music Cafe performers Sivakumar Balakrishnan and Praashekh Borkar
Image courtesy of the World Music Cafe

Project start-end dates: January 2002 – December 2023

Country: Global

Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grant: $100,000 (multi-year)

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