Sports Diplomacy
- The Sports Diplomacy Consultative Group (SDCG) is a consultative mechanism arranged by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) between the Australian Government and the Australian sport sector (sport sector) for collaboration on international sporting issues.
- It is a forum to discuss geostrategic and economic opportunities and risks in international sport, including upcoming events in Australia and offshore, operational matters, and the ways in which the government and sport sector can work together to advance shared priorities.
- The SDCG also enables the sport sector to provide non-binding advice to the Australian Government on issues relating to international sport.
- DFAT has responsibility for inviting a range of national sporting organisations that have an international focus and are engaged in regular international competition, together with peak bodies and Australian Government departments and agencies relevant to the purpose of the SDCG, to be members of the group (Members).
- Members are expected to engage at meetings on matters of shared interest including, but not limited to:
- opportunities and challenges in international sporting engagement for the sport sector;
- emerging and current geopolitical issues that have an impact on sporting events and other sporting engagements;
- emerging issues, trends and market developments that have an impact on Australia's strategic priorities;
- developments in operational initiatives, including major sporting events hosted by Australia and those Australia participates in offshore.
SDCG meetings
- DFAT will convene meetings of the SDCG at least twice a year, with participants joining in person and/or utilising tele or video conferencing.
- The SDCG will be chaired by the First Assistant Secretary in DFAT with responsibility for sports diplomacy. DFAT will nominate the chair and retain power to change the chair as DFAT sees fit.
- The chair may invite other Australian Government departments and agencies to lead on agenda items, where appropriate.
- The chair may invite observers and/or guest speakers to join SCDG meetings, including to provide subject matter expertise on a particular agenda item.
- The chair will be supported by a DFAT secretariat, which will:
- send the agenda and any other materials for Members to review prior to meetings;
- provide administrative support to the chair of the SDCG;
- prepare minutes of each SDCG meeting and maintain records of decisions made;
- undertake other activities that progress the goals of the SDCG.
- Members will not be reimbursed for travel costs incurred for meetings of the SDCG, nor will they be paid sitting fees.
Conduct and Ethics
- Members are required to:
- declare any apparent, potential, or real conflicts of interest;
- not use their position and information for personal benefit or advantage at the expense of the SDCG
- respect the privacy and confidentiality of information obtained in the course of participation, and not share information that Members are instructed to keep confidential.