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Australian Volunteers

Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Framework

The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF) is the DFAT performance monitoring system for the Australian Volunteers Program. The MELF is designed to:

  • provide qualitative and quantitative data on program-level performance
  • link data collection, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning across the program
  • build on existing monitoring and evaluation systems and procedures
  • contribute to ongoing program monitoring in-country and in Australia, and
  • feed performance assessment lessons into program improvement.

Australian Volunteers Program Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework [Word 4.45 MB]

Australian Volunteers Program Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework [PDF 1.05 MB]

Further results about the Australian Volunteers Program can be found on the program’s website.

Program Logic

The program logic identifies the relationship between the program’s actions and the intended changes it aims to support. It also identifies underlying assumptions that are key to ensuring outcomes will be achieved as planned. The program logic was refreshed in 2021 (following the recommendations of the 2021 independent evaluation) and reflects the following underlying principles:

  • the Australian Volunteers Program’s overarching goal is to support locally-led change and the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
  • the program values volunteering as a powerful means to support Australia’s, and partner country’s achievement of the SDGs by 2030, and
  • the program aims to contribute to partner countries sustainable and equitable socio‑economic development.

Our Program Logic

Program reviews, evaluations and research

Other resources

2014 Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) Evaluation Report

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