Summary of the Report
An independent mid-term review (MTR) of the Marawi Recovery Project (MRP) was commissioned to assess the achievements, progress and key challenges of the project from October 2017 to September 2020. Based on its findings, the report provided recommendations to guide implementation for the remainder of the project.
The MTR noted, based on evidence gathered, the following advancements towards the recovery of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable persons:
- access to basic education and other government services among those who received civil registration documents
- improvements in community relationships, with respect and acceptance extended to people with disabilities and special needs
- considerable changes in the economic conditions of families, most of whom have started to generate enough income from their livelihood activities to cover daily needs and even expand their businesses.
The MTR also cited several measures that are already in place to sustain these gains, such as increased capacity of local civil registrars to process and facilitate civil registration of IDPs and established community-based support and advisory groups to help recipients grow their livelihoods.
Download report
- Marawi Recovery Project Mid-Term Review [DOCX 192 MB]
- Marawi Recovery Project Mid-Term Review [PDF 635 MB]
Summary of the Management Response
DFAT and its partner, Community and Family Services International (CFSI), welcome the findings of the MTR and agree with eight of thirteen recommendations outlined in the report. Both DFAT and CFSI partially agree with four proposed actions that have already been initiated by the project and one recommendation on coordination mechanisms.