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Water, sanitation and hygiene

The Water for Women (WfW) GESI mid-term review complements the recent Independent Review of the Fund completed in August 2020.


On World Water Day we reflect on water’s value to communities, economies, and the environment. Water underpins everything that we do to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Photo of young girl washing her hands using a bamboo tap.

At the 4th World Water Summit in New Delhi, the Australian Government announced its contribution of $10 million to support cooperation between Australia and India on urban water security.

International relations

Water is a most precious resource. We all need water to survive; as do all the systems we rely on: agriculture, healthcare, business and industry.

Thumbnail of Grandma Ne fetching water with a bucket
News, speeches and media

The Australian Government supports healthy, climate-resilient and inclusive societies by investing in water resources management and water, sanitation and hygiene services. The programs below are a sample of global, regional, multilateral and bilateral water-related initiatives in DFAT’s development portfolio.


The World Economic Forum has rated water crises as a 'top five global risk' in terms of impact since 2012. Climate change increases the variability and unpredictability of water availability making it a risk multiplier for water security. It is predicted that over half of the world's population will live in water-stressed regions by 2050.

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