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Chapter 18 - Cooperation

General Objectives

1. The
Parties agree to establish a framework for cooperative
activities as a means to expand and enhance the benefits of
this Agreement and to build a strategic economic

2. The
Parties will establish close cooperation aimed inter

(a) strengthening and building on existing cooperative relationships;

(b) creating new opportunities for trade and investment, and for promoting competitiveness, fostering innovation and encouraging research and development;

(c) supporting the role of the private sector in promoting and building strategic alliances to encourage mutual economic growth and development; and

(d) increasing the level of and further developing cooperation activities between the Parties in areas of mutual interest.


Cooperation between the Parties should contribute to achieving
the objectives of this Agreement through the identification and
development of innovative cooperation initiatives capable of
providing added value to the bilateral relationship.

Cooperation between the Parties under this Chapter will
complement the cooperation between the Parties set out in other
Chapters of this Agreement.

3. Areas of
cooperation may include but should not be limited to: science,
agriculture including the wine industry, food production and
processing, mining, energy, environment, small and medium
enterprises, tourism, education, labour, human capital
development and cultural collaboration.

Cooperation on labour and employment matters of mutual interest
and benefit will be based on the concept of decent work,
including the principles embodied in the ILO Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up

Cooperation on environment will reflect the commitment of both
Parties to strengthening environmental protection and the
promotion of sustainable development, in the context of
strengthening trade and investment relations between them.

Cooperative activities will be agreed between the Parties and
may include, but should not be limited to: exchanges of people
and information; cooperation in regional and multilateral fora;
dialogues, conferences and seminars; facilitating contacts
between scientists and academia; the development of joint
research programs; and the encouragement of private sector

7. Areas of
cooperation may be developed through existing agreements and
through appropriate implementing arrangements including the
designation of national contact points to facilitate activities
on environment and labour cooperation.

Innovation, Research and Development

Cooperation in innovation, research and development will be
focused on cooperative activities in sectors where mutual and
complementary interests exist. Among other activities,
the Parties will encourage the exchange of experts and
information. Where appropriate, they will also promote
partnerships in the support of the development of innovative
products and services and activities to promote linkage,
innovation and technology exchange.

Cooperation Committee

1. For the
purposes of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a
Cooperation Committee ("the Committee") comprising
representatives of each Party.

2. The
Committee shall be coordinated and co-chaired by:

(a) in the case of Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or its successor; and

(b) in the case of Chile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the General Directorate for International Economic Affairs and the Chilean Agency for International Cooperation, or their successors.

3. In order
to ensure the proper functioning of the Committee, each Party
will designate a contact person no later than 6 months from the
date of entry into force of this Agreement. Each Party
will notify the other Party promptly of any change of contact

4. The
Committee shall meet in or shortly after the first year of
entry into force of this Agreement, and thereafter as agreed by
the Parties.

5. The
Committee shall:

(a) adopt the Committee's operating procedures;

(b) discuss cooperative activities which might be undertaken under this Chapter;

(c) review where appropriate the implementation of cooperative activities;

(d) maintain and update information on cooperation between the Parties, including implementing arrangements; and

(e) undertake such other functions to foster cooperation including establishing working groups under this Chapter as the Parties may agree.

6. The
Committee may interact, where appropriate, with relevant
entities to address specific matters.

7. The
Committee shall report periodically to the Joint FTA Committee
the results of its meetings.


With the aim of contributing to the fulfilment of the
objectives of this Chapter, the Parties shall provide, within
the limits of their own capacities and through their own
channels, adequate resources to support cooperative activities,
as required.

Last Updated: 16 November 2012
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